Granted, most "tupperware" cabinets are an unorganized, scattered clutter of plastic mixing bowls, plastic coffee/water mugs (I seriously believe these things multiply by themselves), and then the endless array of storage containers for "dun, dun, duh...leftovers" So, the last thing I needed was more containers. my quest to conquer the evil "eating out budget" I had to get containers for snacks and small sides...because let's face it, 10am and 3pm munchies are the root of all evil in corporate offices..thus causing a visit to co-workers' offices for a "grazing" of whatever candy they have while you form some assemblance of a conversation to hide your true meaning for stopping in....or get into the kitchen where there are "halved" Krispy Kremes, or remnants of weekend birthday cakes (i.e. fill in your guilt here.) Who can help the sugar???

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