I missed posting this yesterday because the kids were crazy and Mr. Man got home a day early from his trip (yay!)
This was so much fun! Super easy and since it fit perfectly in the box, I just did two of them for both of the kiddos.
- regular spaghetti for hair
- two chunks of meatloaf cut out and stick in toaster oven for a few minutes to cook the ketchup on top. This will give it a more frightful look, and leak or mess up in the lunch box. After you take out of the oven, stick a small piece of mozzarella cheese on top and let set. *I actually made meatloaf muffins and cut the chunks out of it*
- carrot end for nose, just cut to height of bento box
- Pizza bagel - half a bagel and slice open one half. Spread pizza sauce (or regular tomato sauce as I did). Next take a mozzarella cheese stick and slice horizontally in half so it makes the stick "less thick."
Begin cutting triangles from - giving you pieces for the teeth. Slowly arrange them on the top row. For the bottom row: as you lay them across, it might be better if you trim off some of the bottom of each "tooth" so they don't intersect with the top row. You can see what I'm talking about in the picture below.
- I added two apple slices along the sides as ears
- And I threw in two Brach's Mellowcreme pumpkins for dessert (or you can call them little knobs like Frankenstein has.)
Frightfully fun lunch!